Child support is an ongoing payment by one parent to the other for a child’s daily living expenses. Deciding on child support can be a complex process, but navigating these guidelines doesn’t have to be stressful. This guide will walk you through the key points of Alaska’s child support system, including how to calculate payments based on income and custody arrangements. We’ll also cover additional factors like healthcare expenses and the duration of child support obligations. By the end, you’ll have a clearer understanding of your rights and responsibilities in ensuring financial support for your child.
How to Calculate Alaska Child Support?
Alaska family courts use a formula to calculate child support amounts. The formula takes into account the noncustodial parent’s gross monthly income, and then adds in other factors such as deductible expenses and child care costs. In most cases, the total is then converted to a percentage. This percentage is used to determine the amount of child support that the noncustodial parent will pay or receive, based on the parents’ shared custody timeshare.
Parents can modify their child support orders if there has been a significant change in circumstances. For example, if the paying parent gets a new job that pays more than the income used to calculate the current order, they can ask for a modification. Also, if a parent’s remarriage changes the parenting plan, it is possible to ask for a modification to reflect this change.

How to Apply for Child Support in Alaska?
Both parties should submit proof of their income, including paystubs. Parents should also complete the Child Guidelines Affidavit (DR-305), a form provided by the court. This form requires estimates for each parent’s net income. Generally, this includes earnings from work, self-employment, dividends and interest, unemployment compensation, disability, worker’s compensation, and spousal support. The affidavit should be completed before the scheduled hearing date. A party can also use the state’s child support calculator for an estimate.
The court will also consider parenting time percentages. Alaska’s child support formula calculates a nonresidential parent’s overnight and significant day visitation totals and converts them to a percentage. In shared custody situations, this can make a huge difference in the final amount. Many lawyers and judges use the wrong parenting time estimates when figuring child support, making their calculations too high or too low.
How to Make Alaska Child Support Payments?
Child support payments can be made directly to the other parent or through CSSD. CSSD offers an online portal for convenient payments and managing your case