BENEFEDS is the centralized online portal for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP) that provides access to 12 dental plans and 5 vision plans for eligible civilian Federal employees, military personnel, and their families. BENEFEDS also administers the billing systems and customer service functions necessary for the collection of FEDVIP premiums and Flexible Spending Account (FSAFEDS) allotments. BENEFEDS is overseen by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and managed by Long Term Care Partners, LLC. Customer service is available to assist with questions about FEDVIP coverage and services, ID cards, rating regions, approval of medical information for family members incapable of self-support, provider networks, and claims.
BENEFEDS also manages the customer service and premium billing systems that collect FEDVIP premiums and flexible spending account allotments. Enrollees can check eligibility, explore plans, and enroll during the annual Federal Benefits Open Season or a qualifying life event. The BENEFEDS website includes a FEDVIP Plan Comparison Tool to help users make the best choice for their family’s needs. BENEFEDS is administered by Long Term Care Partners, LLC, with oversight from OPM.
FEDVIP stands for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program. It is a program that provides dental and vision insurance coverage to federal employees, retirees, and their eligible family members. FEDVIP allows participants to choose from a variety of dental and vision insurance plans offered by different insurance carriers. Each FEDVIP plan has its own set of benefits, limitations, deductibles, copayments, and coverage details. It’s important to review plan information carefully to understand what services are covered and what costs you may incur.
Participants are responsible for paying premiums for their chosen FEDVIP plans. Premium amounts can vary depending on the specific plan and coverage options selected. FEDVIP plans often have networks of dental and vision providers. Utilizing network providers may result in lower out-of-pocket costs for covered services.
BENEFEDS Enrollment
When it comes to FEDVIP dental and vision plans, you can choose either a self-only or a self-and-family plan. While a self-only enrollment covers just you as the enrolled employee or annuitant, a self-and family plan provides coverage for your eligible family members. If you choose a self and family enrollment, remember to list all your eligible family members when enrolling in BENEFEDS. Failure to do so could result in claim delays.
During the annual open season, you can change your FEDVIP plan and/or add or remove family members. You can also make a special enrollment during a qualifying life event, which includes losing other health insurance coverage, moving to a new duty station, getting married or divorced, having a baby or adopting, and more.
The FEDVIP program is sponsored by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management and administered by Long Term Care Partners, LLC. BENEFEDS is the government-authorized and OPM-sponsored online portal that manages enrollment, plan changes, premium billing, and customer service functions for FEDVIP.