Florida Reemployment tax is one of the costs that Floridian employers must pay. It is not a payroll deduction and does not affect workers’ wages. The money paid by employers goes into a fund that pays out reemployment benefits to Floridians who are unemployed through no fault of their own. Florida’s reemployment tax rate is calculated on the first $1,200 of an employee’s earnings. It is designed to support reemployment services, like job search assistance and resume writing workshops. It is also used to supplement federal unemployment insurance funds.
A company’s taxable wage base is capped at $7,000 per employee. Wages are defined broadly to include commissions, bonuses, back pay awards and the cash value of any tip received by an employee. Distributions from a corporation to officers are also considered wages under Florida law. Private employers with 10 or fewer employees must register for reemployment tax and file quarterly reports with the state.
These taxes are collected by the Department of Revenue and deposited into the unemployment compensation trust fund, which is used to pay benefits to unemployed workers. The Department of Revenue offers helpful publications and videos on its website to assist businesses in understanding reemployment tax rates, rules, and filings. The Department of Revenue also allows registered employers to voluntarily certify use of E-Verify. Those who choose to do so can submit an application on form RT-8A.

How to Report Florida Reemployment Tax?
It is a crucial time for businesses to make sure that they’re paying their reemployment tax. The state of Florida is serious about collecting these taxes, and failure to pay could result in fines or penalties. You should always file your reemployment taxes on time to avoid these penalties. The state provides multiple options to make it easier for employers to pay their reemployment taxes, including filing online. The Department of Revenue also offers helpful tips on complying with these requirements.
To file electronically, you must have a valid reemployment tax account number and rate. You can register for an account by visiting the Florida Department of Revenue’s website and entering your reemployment tax rate information. Once you’ve registered, you can log into the system using your User ID and password. You can also submit a file through the BSWA system (the third-party vendor). This method requires that you have a valid Department-issued User ID and password. Once registered, the website allows employers to file their RT-6 report with ease.
Additionally, the Department of Revenue has a webpage that allows employers to submit corrections to their RT-6 reports. To do so, they must log in to the online RT-6 report submission website with their username and password. This method is highly recommended, as it can save time and prevent errors.
Due Dates
The report is due 30 days after the end of a quarter unless that month ends on a weekend or federal holiday. The department also imposes a penalty of $50 or 10% of any tax owed for filing an incorrect report.