Harris County is the most populous county in the state of Texas, with over 4.7 million residents. The county’s tax office is always busy. Whether you want to transfer a title, pay your property tax, or have other needs, you can visit the Harris County Administrative Building located at 1001 Preston St, Houston, TX 77002.
Before you visit the office, check the website of the HC tax office. There are many things you can handle without ever visiting the offices. Besides, you need to make an appointment to handle your needs at the Harris County tax offices anyways.
How to contact the Harris County tax office?
Contact information for the Harris County tax office is as follows. You can contact the offices during business hours.
HC tax office phone number: (713)-274-8000
HC tax office fax number: (713)-368-2509
Mailing address: P.O. Box 4089 Houston, TX 77210-4089
How to make an appointment
To make an appointment, you can contact the tax offices directly from the phone numbers above or make your appointment online. The appointment web pages are separate for different needs. For example, you’ll see a different page for auto transactions or property transaction appointments at the Harris County tax office.
Being the most populated county in Texas with a property tax rate of 2.03 percent, getting appointments for property transactions can take longer than others. Regardless, though, make sure to contact the Harris County tax offices to get an appointment. Otherwise, you won’t be able to handle your business at the tax office.