Unemployment insurance is a temporary income support program that provides financial assistance for workers who have lost their jobs or whose hours were reduced. The amount of benefits a worker receives depends on the total wages earned in a specific period of time, known as the base period. The Nebraska Department of Labor administers UI benefits and determines eligibility, benefit amounts, and duration of benefits. Workers must file a claim as soon as they become eligible, which is usually the week after their job ends or hours are cut.
If you have lost your job, you may qualify for unemployment benefits in Nebraska. This program provides a portion of your previous wages for up to 26 weeks. The amount you receive will be determined when you file your initial claim. You can apply for benefits online or by phone. In addition, you should upload identity verification documents such as a driver’s license or passport when filing an initial claim. This helps prevent fraud.
After processing your initial claim, you must file weekly claims for each week that you are unemployed or working reduced hours. This is referred to as “certifying your eligibility.” You can do this online or in person at a Nebraska Department of Labor job center.
While claiming unemployment benefits, you must actively search for work. You can use NEworks to find jobs and post your resume. The system also offers career planning and skill assessment services. If you are unable to work because of family or health issues, you must update your availability and provide proof of this. In addition, you must take any suitable job offer that is offered to you.

How to Qualify?
To qualify for Nebraska unemployment benefits, a worker must meet monetary wage requirements and show that they became unemployed through no fault of their own. Generally, this means that they were laid off or fired for reasons such as downsizing or business reasons that have nothing to do with their quality of work. The state of Nebraska also requires that claimants actively seek employment and document their efforts weekly. However, in light of the COVID-19 crisis, the state has waived this requirement. All workers are required to register for NEworks and must file an online resume unless they have a recall date from their employer or a union with a hiring hall.
The state of Nebraska requires workers to meet certain monetary and non-monetary requirements to receive unemployment insurance benefits. These requirements include having earned at least $4,324 in the base period, a minimum of $1,850 in one quarter and at least $800 in another, and being able to work on four days out of the week. The Department of Labor also requires employers to keep accurate records for each employee. Employers must file quarterly reports and maintain files for four years. Additionally, they must respond to requests for information from the department.
In order to qualify for unemployment benefits, you must have lost your job through no fault of your own. This could be due to layoffs, terminations, or even a voluntary resignation. However, the DOL may waive these requirements if you are unemployed due to COVID-19.
You must be able to work on at least four days out of the week and actively seek employment each week while collecting benefits. This includes making two job contacts each week and keeping a search log online. If you are offered suitable work while receiving benefits, you must accept it.